Taming the Old Dragons

Taming the Old Dragons of Implant Prosthetics – 3 Part Webinar

Presented by The Dragon Tamer: Emil LA Svoboda PhD, DDS

Honored Fellow AAID, Diplomate ABOI/ID

Elevating the Standard of Care

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Dental implants have improved the quality of care available to patients; however, the prevalence of complications remains troubling.

Dr. Svoboda has identified the root causes of complications that are directly related to the process of fixed prosthesis installation. He has named them “The OLD Dragons of Dentistry”, because they have been sabotaging the efforts of dentists for a very long time.

The screw-in prosthesis installation system exposes patients to problems related to screw access hole placement and misfit joints between implant parts. What if anterior cantilevers could be reduced, and access to maintenance improved? What if implant joints could be consistently optimized?

The cement-in installation system frequently exposes patients to poor margins and submarginal cement. What if open and overhanging margins could be consistently optimized? What if the occurrence of submarginal cement could be prevented?

Complications disappoint patients and can be expensive, uncomfortable, and difficult to manage, and stimulate a whole cascade of liabilities that disturb referral patterns for dentists, laboratories and implant companies. Dr. Svoboda proposes a new system of installation that tames those OLD Dragons and makes treatment simpler and more predictable. 


  • MODULE 1: Understand how the OLD Dragons are sabotaging your treatment results.
  • MODULE 2: Separate the Dragons and take back control of Prosthesis Installation.
  • MODULE 3: Implement a New Standard of Care that is Easier, Cheaper, Better.


  • Learn how to recognize the OLD Dragons of Implant Prosthetics
  • Learn how and why you need to separate these Dragons to gain control
  • Learn how to implement these new Dragon Tamer concepts as part of a NEW System of Prosthetic Treatment that has been specifically designed to optimize results.


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